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20 + 1 Rules for a better camp
experience at DELPHICAMP
In order to have a successful camp experience, everyone (counselors, campers and parents) should agree on the following: mutual respect, self-respect, mutual understanding, respect for the environment, team spirit, cooperation and compliance to the camp’s regulations.

20 + 1 Rules
- DELPHICAMP campers are 6-16 years old. They live in little brick houses divided by gender and age.
- We are respectful of the daily schedule and the camp program (communication hours, visitation days, session duration etc).
- We preserve the cabins and the public areas and keep them clean as if we were at home. We preserve and protect the facilities of the camp.
- We participate in all camp activities as much as possible.
- We do not leave the premises without permission.
- The campers may be picked up by adults other than their parents only with a written authorization from the parents and the presentation of their ID.
- There are no visitation days for sessions that last 15 days or less.
- Please avoid calling your child too often. Suitable hours for phone calls: 12:45 – 14:00 and 19:30 – 20:00. It would be desirable not to make phone calls every day, so that children can focus on camp life.
- It would also be desirable to avoid the use of mobile phones by young children. Older campers may use their mobile at the same phone hours, ie 12:45 – 14:00 and 19:30 – 20:00.
- Delphicamp is not responsible for any loss of personal and / or valuable items.
- The Secretariat is open 9:00 – 14:00 & 17:00 – 20:00. In case of an emergency the Secretariat will contact the parents promptly.
- There is a canteen. To avoid loss of money, campers are advised to use card with their name on that they can obtain from the camp office on their arrival day, if they wish to.
- For any medical issues, the Secretariat should be informed prior to arrival at the camp and the camp doctor on the 1st day. For any camper medical issue that arises at camp, the doctor or camp office immediately informs parents. Costs for camper medicines are covered by the parents at the visitation day or the departure day. If a camper must visit the hospital, the camp arranges for the transportation, after consulting with the parents and getting their approval.
- It is assumed that all the activities that are organized at camp are approved by the parents and the campers, unless there otherwise stated by the parents.
- Smoking and alcohol consumption are strictly prohibited throughout the camp.
- It is forbidden to start a fire.
- Violence and any form of abuse is prohibited.
- Sharp, valuable items, expensive electronic games and chewing gum are not allowed!
- DELPHICAMP may present counselors or campers on the website or on printed material as photos or videos related to the camp unless the counselors, campers, or parents have declined it in writing.
- We are determined to create the right conditions for your child to experience an unforgettable camp experience! The rest depends on the campers good spirits, but also on your own!

What should I pack?
For a comfortable stay at the camp, your child needs to pack his clothing of choise and:
In a soft suitcase or duffel bag: T-shirts and shorts, 2 pairs of sports shoes, 1 sweaters, a lot of socks and underwear, 1 pair of long pants, 2 swimsuits, flip flops, hat or cap, sun glasses, 2 sets of bed sheets (bedsheets and towels are refreshed every 7 to 10 days), pillow, 2 pillow cases, towels (2 small for the face, 2 large for the shower, 2 beach towels), a laundry bag, a flash light, table tennis balls and a water bottle.
In a separate bag: toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, hand soap, bath sponge, sunscreen.
It is essential to include a photocopy of the camper’s health book (the vaccination page) and to update the camp for any health problems the camper might have.

Important: All of these items must be marked with the camper’s name.


Brick houses with traditional Greek tiled roofs

10x20 meter pool

Pool with a water slide

A playground with 4 different interest corners


4 table tennis tables

Two soccer fields 10meters x 10 meters on high quality artificial turf

Outdoor basketball court with a seating capacity of 200

Open air cinema screen

Access to two beaches: inflatable water slide and canoes are available

Inflatable water slide in the sea

Arts, drama, dance, singing, martial arts and yoga corners

24 Bathrooms for the campers and 42 showers with hot and cold water

Professionally equipped kitchen with catering capacity of 250 people, 5 times per day
DEPHICAMP in numbers:
1 Director/Lifeguard, 2 Head Counselors, 16-18 Counselors (some of whom hold a lifeguard or 1st Aid Certificate), 1 Doctor, 1 Nurse, 1 Psychologist or Social Worker, 3 Kitchen Staff, 3 Cleaning Staff, 2 Guards, 2 Office Staff.
All DELPHICAMP Staff are over 18 years of age.

DELPHICAMP is a member of

PELK (Greek Private Camps Association)

EFEK (Greek Camps Association)

ICF (International Camping Fellowship)

And a founding member of E.C.A. (European Camp Association)